Canadian Indie Rock Memories

In conjunction with a book project, by the authors Paul De Decker and Brendan Edwards, this blog seeks to document memories of the 1990's Canadian Indie Rock scene.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Inbreds' Images

Just a few Inbreds' images from my Archive of Canadian Indie Rock in the 90's...

Poster and set-list from the 4 June, 1994

27 May, 1995, London, Ontario

The infamous Inbreds' sticker...
(also available in red)

Live at Another Roadside Attraction II,
22 July, 1995, Markham, Ontario

Kombinator postcard, 1995

Mike O'Neill live at Lee's Palace
27 November, 1996, Toronto
(Photo by Paul De Decker)

Peterborough, 27 February, 1997
The Last Time I saw them play live...