15 Years Later...
...Moncton's very own, The Monoxides, on 15 years of RAWK!
This is from "Sessionswith": A video netcast featuring interviews and performances with the best independent musicians and bands across Canada.
I fondly recall a Monoxides show at York University's Winters College Pub (which was known for bringing in the greatest acts the university would see while I was there). They played with Tristan Psionic and Chix Diggit. All great acts but the Monoxides completely took the evening in a radically different direction. What an absurdly loud performance! Of all the bands that I didn't prepare for (i.e. stuff my ears full of something) I'd say that these guys and the Supersuckers did the most damage to my poor ears.
I remember that Monoxides show at Winters.
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