Canadian Indie Rock Memories

In conjunction with a book project, by the authors Paul De Decker and Brendan Edwards, this blog seeks to document memories of the 1990's Canadian Indie Rock scene.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

15 Years Later...

...Moncton's very own, The Monoxides, on 15 years of RAWK!

This is from "Sessionswith": A video netcast featuring interviews and performances with the best independent musicians and bands across Canada.

I fondly recall a Monoxides show at York University's Winters College Pub (which was known for bringing in the greatest acts the university would see while I was there). They played with Tristan Psionic and Chix Diggit. All great acts but the Monoxides completely took the evening in a radically different direction. What an absurdly loud performance! Of all the bands that I didn't prepare for (i.e. stuff my ears full of something) I'd say that these guys and the Supersuckers did the most damage to my poor ears.


Blogger Andrew Masuda said...

I remember that Monoxides show at Winters.

29/6/07 16:49  

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